Ecuador: liberaron a todos los guardiacárceles secuestrados por bandas criminales | El Destape

Ecuador: liberaron a todos los guardiacárceles secuestrados por bandas criminales | El Destape

It seems like you've shared an image of a webpage with an article titled "El arte de detectar mentiras: Una guía para entender los signos sutiles" ("The Art of Detecting Lies: A Guide to Understanding Subtle Signs"). The article appears to delve into the complexities of human communication, specifically focusing on the challenging skill of lie detection. It seems to debunk popular myths and provides a more scientific perspective on the behavior associated with lying.

The article covers several points:

1. La Dirección de los Ojos: Un Mito Desmentido (The Direction of the Eyes: A Debunked Myth) - Contrary to popular belief, a study from the University of Michigan published in 2021 in Plos One found that liars maintain eye contact 70% of the time during a lie, debunking the idea that averting one's gaze indicates dishonesty.

2. Respuestas Cortas: Indicio de Deshonestidad (Short Answers: A Sign of Dishonesty) - A 2012 study suggests that brief and under-elaborated responses may be indicative of lying. Liars tend to offer less detailed answers, whereas honest people provide more information and evidence to support their claims.

3. El Efecto Pinocho: Hablar en... (The Pinocchio Effect: Speaking in...) - Unfortunately, the rest of the point is not visible in the image you provided.

It's important to note that the science of detecting lies is complex and no single method is foolproof. The article seems to provide an overview of recent research in this area, which can be valuable for understanding the nuances of human behavior and communication.

Fecha de publicación: 2024-01-14 12:07:30

Categoría: Ecuador